Op-ed: Why a Liberal Arts Education Brings a Higher ROI

In “The Morning Call,” Vice President and Executive Director of Graduate & Continuing Education A.J. Lemheney writes about why Muhlenberg’s accelerated bachelor’s and master’s programs are a smart investment for career advancement.

 Wednesday, November 15, 2023 10:52 AM

The front of Fahy CommonsThe new Fahy Commons for Public Engagement and Innovation houses the Muhlenberg College Division of Graduate & Continuing Education. Photos by Kristi Morris and Tom Amico

Today, The Morning Call published an op-ed from Vice President and Executive Director of Graduate & Continuing Education A.J. Lemheney titled “Tech careers dominate. So why does a liberal arts education still bring a higher ROI for adult learners?”

In the article, Lemheney begins:

The liberal arts are suffering from a perception problem right now. Those perceptions ignore the facts.

An analysis of job postings — many for high-paying occupations — from 2018-19 performed by Project Lead the Way and Burning Glass Technologies found that 64% of open jobs required at least one of these five competencies: communication, critical thinking, teamwork, empathy and mindfulness.

These durable skills are the foundation of a liberal arts curriculum. And as the workforce has undergone seismic shifts, such as transitioning to remote and hybrid work and embracing artificial intelligence, durable skills are becoming even more in demand.

A bearded man in a blazer stands in front of a brick building.

A.J. Lemheney, Vice President and Executive Director of Graduate & Continuing Education at Muhlenberg

Muhlenberg’s Schools of Continuing Studies and Graduate Studies combine a liberal arts curriculum with the flexibility required by adult learners seeking to advance their careers. Later, Lemheney (pictured above) presents more data to support the transformational impact of the liberal arts on adult learners, saying:

A 2020 study from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce … found that the median return on investment in a degree at a liberal arts college is nearly $200,000 higher than the median for all colleges. And the 40-year median ROI of liberal arts schools ($918,000) is similar to those of four-year engineering ($917,000) and four-year business and management ($913,000) programs.

Combine that ROI with the life experiences and maturity of working adults or former military members and it’s a powerful advantage. The workplace of the future will demand constant upskilling and workers who take the initiative to reinvent themselves as their careers evolve.

Adults who return to school are more prepared because they bring their insights to the classroom, creating enriching discussions and fostering a dynamic learning environment. They’re also achieving personal growth and career advancement. A 2022 Lightcast study showed that adults who return to school experience a 140% larger increase in average annual salary and enjoy 22% greater career mobility than those who don’t.

To read the complete op-ed, click here. To learn more about the Muhlenberg College Schools of Graduate and Continuing Studies, click here.

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