Sustainability in Dining Services at Muhlenberg (Video)

Students are able to make a serious impact helping Muhlenberg Dining Services prioritize sustainability. Hear from Anna Shigo '24 and Lacey Pasco '23, two recent dining sustainability interns.

 Friday, August 4, 2023 02:00 PM

A dining worker serves a student in the cafeteria of Wood Dining Commons.A Muhlenberg Dining Services employee serves a student from the cafeteria at Wood Dining Commons, where sustainable food practices have become a priority.

Sustainability internships with the Muhlenberg Dining Services are helping to prioritize sustainable food practices on campus. These internships also demonstrate to students how much they can influence the world around them with practical solutions to everyday challenges.

From raising awareness about food waste to collecting uneaten catered food for students to enjoy, these sustainably-minded programs are made possible through student involvement. 

"We were always actively listening to our students and they're informing what we do," says Michael Brack, executive chef with Muhlenberg Dining Services. "My cooks here also share a lot of those same views."

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