Groundbreaking Publishing Partnership Launches, With a Muhlenberg Professor’s Book in the Pipeline
Faculty celebrated the debut of the Black Lives in the Diaspora: Past / Present / Future scholarly book series, of which Assistant Professor of English and Africana Studies Emanuela Kucik’s forthcoming book will be a part.Monday, February 27, 2023 09:05 AM

Earlier this month, Muhlenberg faculty traveled to the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem to celebrate the launch of the Black Lives in the Diaspora: Past / Present / Future scholarly book series co-published by Columbia University Press (CUP) and Howard University.
A forthcoming book by Assistant Professor of English and Africana Studies and director of Africana Studies Emanuela Kucik will be part of the series. The book, The Black Blood of Genocide: Tracing Genocide in Post-Holocaust African Diasporic Literature, is set to be released in spring of 2024.
“The event highlighted all of the incredible people at Columbia University, Columbia University Press and Howard University who have worked tirelessly to see this series come to life, and I was overcome with gratitude that they chose my book to be part of this groundbreaking series they have worked so hard to create,” Kucik says. “Black Lives in the Diaspora is the perfect home for my book because the series is working to create more global conversations around Blackness (rather than centering those conversations in the United States) and to ensure that these conversations are happening not only in academia in the United States, but in countless spaces around the world.”
To read more about the series and Kucik’s book, see this story from 2022.
Associate Professor of English Dawn Lonsinger, Assistant Professor of English Beatrice Bradley, Kucik, Kucik’s friend Christy Chong and Professor of English and Film Studies and Chair of English Literatures & Writing Francesca Coppa at a pre-event dinner
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