In Memoriam: Paul Frary

Professor Emeritus and Chair of Accounting, Business, Economics and Finance Paul Frary died on Tuesday, March 21.

 Friday, March 31, 2023 08:54 AM

A group of 17 faculty members smiling posed for a yearbook photoAccounting, business, economics and finance faculty in the 2009 "Ciarla" yearbook; Frary is on the far right, second row from the top.

A male professor in a jacket and glasses smiles for a headshotFrary joined the College in 1990 and served as department chair twice, from 1990 through January and again starting in 2003 and ending in 2005. He completed a phased retirement from Muhlenberg in the 2008-2009 academic year. He earned his bachelor’s from Baker University in Kansas, his master’s from Kansas State University at Emporia and his Ph.D. from the Sam A. Walton College of Business and Economics at the University of Arkansas. Prior to joining Muhlenberg, he was chair and professor of economics and business at Pennsylvania’s Westminster College.

He launched the Entrepreneurial Studies Program (now the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Program) at Muhlenberg in the early 1990s. He recognized the importance of technology and recruited and brought in faculty with technological expertise who could work that knowledge into the curriculum. During his first stint as chair, he hired and collaborated with faculty who were tasked with revamping the Accounting Program to better align with the needs of major firms.

Frary taught courses in management, and as chair, he lived the principles he taught his students. Colleagues remember him as a supportive leader, one who empowered faculty to be their best professional selves and who advocated for the department across campus. His management style allowed his colleagues to flourish. His feeling was that if his colleagues were successful, he was successful.

He grew up in Kansas and embodied Midwestern friendliness. He ensured that new colleagues felt welcomed to campus and that students felt welcome in class. He was accessible to students and spent a lot of time in his office on campus, where he could be a resource to students and colleagues. 

Survivors include his wife, Donalee, three sons (Eric Frary, Nick Titchenal, BJ Titchenal) and six grandchildren. He is predeceased by a daughter, Amy Frary, and older siblings. More information about his life can be found here.

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