Services Offered by Campus Safetybadge

Operation Identification
Crime Prevention Services
Safety Escort Service
After Hour Calls

Operation Identification

Operation identification is a crime prevention system whereby all valuables are permanently marked with an identifying code. It has invariably reduced burglaries and thefts in areas where it is used. Its aim is to deter burglars and (failing that) to help police recover and identify stolen property. The service is free, and easy to obtain. We urge you to take advantage of this service. Feel free to call us at Campus Safety or stop by. The program works as follows:

Electric engravers can be checked out (Muhlenberg I. D. required) from the Campus Police or an officer can come to your residence to mark valuables.

Engrave your social security number or any other identifier (i.e. driver’s license number or phone number) on all easily movable or portable items of value.

List your valuable items, being careful not to overlook anything. Keep a record of articles with brand, model, serial number and value where it is safe and easily found.

Books are becoming expensive and an easy target for a thief. Never leave books unattended and mark several pages with your initials in order to maximize the chance of catching the thief before the books are resold.

To help identify stolen property recovered by Police Departments, the Campus Police keeps a list of students' social security numbers. Thus, recovered property can be matched with a student's name and returned to them.

Crime Prevention Services

Campus Safety has available, at no cost, a full range of crime prevention services designed to help you in properly securing your property, and to help reduce your chances of becoming the target of a potential burglary or assault. Please contact the Crime prevention team at Campus Safety. Crime Prevention programs are held for each residential facility at the start of the academic school year and at various times during the school year.

 Safety Escort Service

The Department of Campus Safety provides a 24 hours / 7 days a week escort service for any student, faculty or staff member. This is conducted by an Officer who will respond on foot, by bicycle, golf cart, or in a vehicle.  You can call for an escort from any college property, to be taken to a college property. We encourage students to use this service; students should never walk alone at night on campus, and to be aware of emergency phone locations.

This is a free service provided to ensure the safety of individuals of the campus community. The Department of Campus Safety is committed to ensuring the well being of all members of the college community. We advise some general information when using the escort service and are as follows.

  • Call Ext. 3110 or OFF CAMPUS - 484-664-3110.
  • Provide your location and destination.
  • Provided your name and any other information requested by the dispatcher.

** It is noted that escorts are limited to college owned or leased properties on campus. You can call for an escort from any college property to any college property. The department can not provide general transportation services throughout the Lehigh Valley. Escorts may not always be performed in a vehicle.  EMERGENCY CALLS SUPERSEDE ESCORTS; WHEN THAT OCCURS THE ESCORT WILL BE HANDLED AS SOON AS AN OFFICER IS AVAILABLE.  

After Hours Calls

Campus Safety also takes after hours' maintenance calls for Plant Operations. We also handle after hours' calls for the Health Center and the Counseling Center; we can put you in contact with a health professional or a counselor.