It is important for Muhlenberg College to project and maintain an image of quality, integrity and commitment to all internal and external audiences. For many individuals, their first or only contact with Muhlenberg is through its branded publications and marketing. Therefore it is important that we maintain graphic consistency in the production of all future communications and marketing materials.
Below includes the basics of the Muhlenberg College Identity and should serve as a brief quick start guide. In depth information such as logo rules, colors, and typography is included in the Visual Identity System User Guide.
What is a visual identity system?
A visual identity system is the consistent use of logos, colors, typography, and visual cues. With consistent use, the visual identity — or “look” — becomes associated with the organization, and thereby reinforces its messages and personality. Consistency is critical.
Why is our visual identity system important?
An effective visual identity system enables external audiences to distinguish Muhlenberg College from its competitors. It is vital to our recognition efforts with prospective students, alums and development prospects. Using the visual identity system allows for all Muhlenberg materials to be easily identified so that when someone sees our publications or marketing efforts, it is instantly recognizable and representative of MUHLENBERG COLLEGE.
The importance of using the words Muhlenberg College
The words Muhlenberg College should appear on all College publications and all materials that represent the College. We must keep a distinction from LVHN-Muhlenberg, Muhlenberg High School and other organizations.
The importance of using the Muhlenberg College logo
The Muhlenberg College logo is the primary element in Muhlenberg's graphic identity. This should be prominently displayed on all official publications and media produced by Muhlenberg, or any institute, center or organization within the College. If you opt not to use the logo, the words Muhlenberg College should be conspicuous on the cover. To request the logo, please contact us at communications@muhlenberg.edu or visit the faculty and staff tools section of the OneLogin page.
The restricted use of the seal
The Muhlenberg College seal is restricted to use on official documents of the College, such as certificates, awards, honors and more traditional and formal documents. Blue books, handbooks, manuals and directories are acceptable materials for using the seal. The Seal should be used carefully since it has religious connotations that may impact prospective students, such as those of Jewish or Muslim faiths. To use the seal, please contact us at communications@muhlenberg.edu.
The use of the Kicking Mule logo
The Mule is an athletic symbol, and its use is largely confined to athletic materials. The Mule has been, and can continue to be, used as part of a logo, graphically depicting the mule with a graduation cap or the mule waving a flag. This is acceptable with the reminder that certain publications do not lend themselves to art of this nature.
The official colors of the College are PMS 201 Red (Muhlenberg Red) and PMS 429 Gray (Mule Gray). The official red of the College website is Hex code:#A41D36.
Logo size
The logo must be identifiable and conspicuous on all college publications.
Fonts and typefaces
Here are the recommended typefaces already in use for most College identity materials:
Serif | Sans-Serif |
Merriweather (click to download) |
Merriweather Sans (click to download) |
Lucida Bright | Lucida Sans |
As you prepare materials in the future for print, broadcast and electronic media, please follow the guidelines outlined here and in the additional formal guides. If you utilize off-campus designers or printers, please make them aware of our graphic identity program and ask them to refrain from introducing conflicting graphic elements.
An effective identification program enables external audiences to distinguish Muhlenberg College from its competitors and it is vital to our recruitment and promotional efforts with prospective students, alums and development prospects. Strengthening our visual identity is a campus-wide effort in which every member of the College community helps to strengthen our brand recognition in the community and beyond.
More questions?
The office of communications and marketing (x3230) is available to answer any questions and is available to preview all work prior to completion. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kathryn Quinn, senior graphic designer, at kathrynquinn@muhlenberg.edu.