Outstanding academic achievement is recognized by the Dean of Academic Life each fall and spring semester. Students enrolled in 3 or more course units, having a semester GPA of at least 3.50, with no grades of D, F, U, VF or VW for the semester, are eligible for Dean's List. Students with an Incomplete, In Progress, or NG grade are not eligible for inclusion on the Dean's List until the work is completed and a final grade is recorded, unless the In Progress grade is for a MILA course, DNA 955 Dana Forum, RJF 450 RJ Fellows Capstone Seminar, or SHK 250 Medicine & Society.

Two red Muhlenberg flags hang off a light pole on campus, framed by colorful fall foliage.

Dean's List Spring 2024

Congratulations to the Spring 2024 Dean's List students.

Address Muhlenberg College Dean of Academic Life 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104