Advanced Graduate Trainee


Contact Number: 484-664-3201


Individual standing smiling wearing white tee-shirt.

Ben is a current doctoral trainee from Lehigh University and earned his B.S. in Psychology from Washington State University. Ben implements a person-centered approach to therapy by allowing the client to be an active participant in the session. Ben looks to build a strong rapport with his clients through active listening, validation, and empathy. He believes that everyone, no matter their background or current situation, can achieve a nurtured and flourishing sense of self. In his free time, Ben likes to collect as many hobbies as possible, while maintaining very few of them. He is an amateur literature aficionado, a wannabe professional home chef, and a bona fide baseball nerdist (not a purist). Ben is also the proud parent of two critters: a puppy named Muppy, and Fenway, a feline.