Administrative and Educational Support Program Assessment engages staff serving vital college functions that support the student experience, as well as faculty and staff.  An eight-person Administrative Assessment Committee oversees annual assessment including support to administrative offices as they prepare reports.  The Committee is supported by the Dean of Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness and the Coordinator for General Academic Assessment.   


Administrative Assessment Committee Charge

September 2022


Purpose:  The Committee supports the administrative assessment process and advances the culture of assessment across administrative units at the College.


Membership: Members will be appointed by President Senior Staff for three-year terms that can be extended.  


Oversight and Support: Dean of Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness will oversee the committee chairs who will be supported in their work by  a member of the faculty with expertise in assessment.



  • Oversee administrative assessment report process, including feedback and support to each administrative department;
  • Create professional development opportunities around the topic of assessment, including developing and enhancing development skills;
  • Provide an annual report of administrative department assessment activities, including aligning the activities with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education’s Standards for Accreditation.


Administrative Assessment Committee Members (2022-25):

Kimberly Anderson, Assistant Vice President Advancement Services and Campaign Director and Administrative Assessment Co-coordinator,

Gabriel Hurtado, Director, Enrollment Data Initiatives and Administrative Assessment Co-coordinator,

Andi Gillespie, Director of Accounting Services,

David Hallowell, Assistant Dean of Academic Life, Director of the Academic Resource Center,

Meghan Kita, Senior Writer/Editor in ChiefMuhlenberg Magazine,

Lisa Lewis, Director, Advising and Academic Success, School of Continuing Education,

Ashley Sardik, Assistant Dean of Students & Director of Housing & Residence Life,

Tom Sciarrino, Director, Instructional Technology & Media Services,