Computer Labs and Hours of Operation
Classroom Labs
These labs are open to the Muhlenberg Community when not in use as a classroom. They also have limited hours.
- Ettinger 105
- Moyer 309
- Trumbower 229 (NASA)
- Walson 115
Special Purpose Labs
These labs are open to students requiring access to specialized software. They also have limited hours.
- Center for the Arts 098
- Ettinger 103 - LC Commons
- New Science Building - Biology Department
- Trexler B01
- Trexler Library - Curriculum Lab
- Trumbower - Chemistry Department, Math and Computer Science
Lab hours are subject to change without notice.
If you are in need of a loaner device, please contact
NOTE: Labs in academic buildings are opened for extended hours during final exams.
Occasionally labs may be reserved for special class meetings. Signs may be posted on lab doors notifying users of these special events.
For assistance, students should utilize OIT Help Desk in Ettinger 002, 484-664-3566 or by sending e-mail to