Welcome to Muhlenberg College!
What do you need to know OR do before you arrive on campus? Learn more about each topic by selecting the tabs below.
The OIT Help Desk can be reached by sending e-mail to helpdesk@muhlenberg.edu, visit the IT Support Portal in the OneLogin application portal (login required), OR calling us at 484-664-3566.
Come on down to Ettinger 002 if you wish to visit in person.
Logon to the Muhlenberg Application Portal
- Using the network credentials provided through HR, go to the Application Portal and sign in.
- This is the main hub to reach the main Muhlenberg Applications.Be sure to explore all of the different applications that Muhlenberg uses. With special attention to Canvas and Google Workspace.
- Then don't forget to change your network password. If you have a College issued device Windows device, please follow the steps outlined in this document.
Workday is Muhlenberg College’s application for several pertinent campus business process, including the Student Information System, Human Capital Management (HCM), and Finances.
Once you start your employment, you will complete most of your new hire documentation through Workday.
Register your mobile device for campus alerts
- Omnilert is Muhlenberg's campus alert system.
- Login to the application portal and click on the Omnilert tile
- Enter your preferred SMS number(s) to receive emergency notifications via text message. Your Muhlenberg email address will receive these notifications by default.
Register your Device on MuhlenbergWiFi
- Muhlenberg supports Wi-Fi on all devices campus wide. Follow the directions on this page to register your device. It is important to remember to use MuhlenbergWifi and not MuhlenbergGuest.
College-owned devices
The Office of Information Technology is the sole provider of computing equipment for the college. For standard equipment – computers, printers, etc – all purchases go through OIT. In some cases purchases are identified through the programmatic needs of a specific department, but approval is still routed through OIT prior to acquisition.
To learn more about computer allocation, visit Computer Policy for Faculty and Staff.
Classroom Technology
The campus standard for technology in the classroom is the “techwall”. Techwalls include a presentation computer, audio visual control system, projector, media players, and a campus standard set of software. For more details, please attend the classroom tour during the Micro-brew.
Google Workspace Core Apps
Google Core Services are Gmail, Calendar, Chrome Sync, Classroom, Contacts, Drive, Docs, Forms, Groups, Sheets, Sites, Slides, Talk/Hangouts and Vault.
The following Google Core Apps are supported by the Office of Information Technology - Gmail, Calendar, Contacts, Drive, Groups, Docs, Sheets, Slides and Forms.
Once you receive your network credentials from Human Resources, be sure to check your email frequently by clicking the Google Workspace tile in the application portal.
One quick to-do! Set your timezone by opening up Google Calendar in a web browser. You need only do this ONCE.
You may also add your Muhlenberg account to your mobile device. Settings->Add account->account type Google->enter your Muhlenberg email address->redirect to onelogin authentication page->Done.
Canvas is the learning management system at Muhlenberg used for on-campus, online, and hybrid course construction. Canvas provides avenues for student interaction and engagement with course content, communication with faculty and peers, and provides 1-source for grading assignments. Included in Canvas are tools to help manage all aspects of course engagement from assignment and quiz creation/facilitation to video conferencing. Most of all, Canvas keeps course items and students organized. Want to learn more? Visit the Learning Management Site.
PaperCut is a print management solution. The PaperCut software allows Faculty and Staff to be able to release print jobs at any Ricoh copier. It also provides print accounting functionality that is critical to the Treasurer’s office operations.
Visit Printing to learn more.
Software Discounts
Office 365 is available for free with a valid school email address. Visit msoffice.muhlenberg.edu to setup an account. Sign up with your Muhlenberg email address and create a Microsoft password. You will need this info to activate once you install the Office suite on your personal devices. You may also use the online apps. This cannot be installed on college-issued computers.
Cyber Security
Latest cyber security update: 2-Factor Authenication is required for off-campus access to the application portal. Have you registered a second factor yet? For video tutorials and documentation, visit 2-Factor Authentication.
Information and cyber security is one of the highest priority items for OIT. Now more than ever, must be aware of malicious attacks to steal their identity and their data. Check out the IT blog to learn more about how IT Protects!
What is Phishing? And how to avoid being phished!
IT Policies
- Cloud Storage
- Computer Policy for Faculty and Staff
- Electronic Communications and IT Policy
- Email and Network Account Policy
- IT Data and Security Privacy Policy
- Password Requirements for OIT Support
Complete list of IT Policies and Procedures
Useful links
- Staff Tools site
The Staff Tools site is a respository of content for STAFF ONLY. Links to various departmental forms and information is available. - Faculty & Staff Gateway
Make this your "start" page for convenient access to commonly used web pages, campus messages, campus calendar feed and more. - Initiate a support request online by clicking on the IT Support Portal app in OneLogin.
- Click on the Service Catalog
- Report an Issue
- Once an incident has been created, you may check the status by clicking on "My Items"
- Want to drop us a note or suggestion, or perhaps you are unable to login?
Report an Issue