Transfer Course Policy:

Students may supplement their academic experience here by engaging in studies away from our campus.  Listed below are the Policies we follow with respect to transferring credit to Muhlenberg. In order to be considered for Muhlenberg credit, courses taken elsewhere must be consistent with those taught at Muhlenberg or supportive of a liberal arts degree. 

1. Almost all courses taken elsewhere must be transferred to Muhlenberg College.  The only exception are courses offered through the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC) consortium. 

2. In order to be eligible for transfer, a course must typically be offered at a regionally accredited institution.

3. After matriculating at Muhlenberg, students must receive pre-approval in order for a course to be considered for transfer toward the Muhlenberg degree.

4. In order to be eligible for transfer, all courses must be consistent with the ideals of Muhlenberg's liberal arts education.  These ideals include attention to how students learn as well as what they learn.  Such courses commonly include:

  •   critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis,
  •   interaction between the faculty member and the student,
  •   interaction among students,
  •   developing arguments through logic, evidence, and reason,
  •   writing, and
  •   faculty comments on writing assignments and/or exams.

5. Department chairs assess courses for transfer based on content (as reflected in course descroiptions and syllabi), pedagogy, and contact hourshours, content, and pedagogy, using the descriptions and syllabi to see if they are   Students must provide course syllabi and catalog descriptions when requesting transfer approval.

6. The College does not distinguish between online courses and other courses for general transfer credit counting towards the graduation requirement of 32 course units.  For purposes of statistical reporting only, students will be asked to indicate on the Transfer Course Form whether the course is being taught online.

7. No online courses taken while studying abroad are eligible for course transfer.

8. Courses of a vocational or technical nature are generally not acceptable for transfer.  Remedial courses are not acceptable for transfer.

9. At least 16 course units must be completed at Muhlenberg College.  Consequently, no more than 16 non-Muhlenberg course units (whether transferred or awarded for test scores) may contribute to the 32 course units required to earn a bachelor’s degree at Muhlenberg.  

10. The college will accept no more than five (5) transfer course units during a single academic term (fall or spring), while four (4) transfer course units is the limit for any combination of summer terms in a single summer.  No courses taken concurrently elsewhere – including online courses – that exceed the course load limit of 5.5 units per semester will receive credit.

11. Only courses for which a grade of “C-” or better was earned will be considered for transfer to Muhlenberg.  Courses not using a traditional letter grade (A-F) will be considered for transfer only if additional documentation detailing successful completion is provided.

12. Grades earned in transferred courses will not be included in the Muhlenberg grade point average nor will they be used to determine graduation honors.  In order to be eligible for graduation honors, students must complete a minimum of 17 graded (not pass/fail) courses in residence.

13. Accepting courses for transfer and applying them toward degree requirements are separate considerations.  Courses may transfer as elective credits but not satisfy specific requirements. 

14. The College normally awards transfer credit to courses taken within ten years of entering Muhlenberg.  Courses that have been taken more than ten years prior will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis for transfer approval.

15. The College will evaluate military credits on a course-by-course basis for transfer approval.

16. The College reserves the right to accept or deny the awarding of transfer credit.

17. Many institutions do not use a course unit system similar to Muhlenberg’s. Use the table below to convert between credit hours and course units:


Semester Hours Elsewhere

Quarter Hours Elsewhere

Muhlenberg Course Unit

3, 4, or 5

5, 6, or 7








18. If a student seeks to fulfill a major, minor, or general academic requirement through a transfer course, the appropriate department chairs and program directors will evaluate whether a particular course will fulfill that requirement.

19. Students seeking a Writing (“W”) designation for a transfer course must submit an application to the Writing Program Committee, including the syllabus and in some cases, a writing portfolio.  The transfer course should resemble as closely as possible the structure of a “W” course at Muhlenberg.

20. Students seeking Pennsylvania teacher certification are expected to take all required education courses at Muhlenberg.  Exceptions may be granted only with the approval of the Education Department.

Transfer Course Process:

Before a Student Enrolls in a Course Elsewhere: 

  • Obtain course descriptions for any course(s) of interest at another institution.
  • Discuss plans for completing coursework elsewhere with an academic advisor and secure his or her signature before proceeding.
  • Visit the academic department that would most likely offer the course if it were taken here.  The department chair is responsible for the decision to approve or deny coursework for transfer to Muhlenberg.

After the Student Completes the Course: 

  • Forward an official academic transcript to Muhlenberg.  Please direct academic transcripts to Muhlenberg College, Office of the Registrar, 2400 Chew Street, Allentown, PA 18104 or by email to  No outside coursework will be posted to a Muhlenberg record until an official academic transcript is received from the institution attended.
  • If any type of financial aid was received through Muhlenberg, a financial aid transcript must be forwarded as well.  Failing to do so may jeopardize eligibility for aid in future terms.  Please direct financial aid transcripts to Muhlenberg College, Office of Financial Aid, 2400 Chew Street, Allentown, PA 18104. 


Transfer Coursework for First-Year Students:

Students who have taken college coursework may seek credit for such work by submitting a college transcript, course description, and, in some cases, other course materials.  The Office of the Registrar, working with the appropriate Department Chair, will evaluate the coursework. 

  • If a student wishes such a course to be evaluated by Muhlenberg College, the student’s advisor should be informed during the summer advising period.  On the initial registration worksheet in June, there is an area to indicate that the student took college level work.  At the end of June the Registrar’s Office will send a detailed letter to these students informing them of what to send to the Registrar’s Office for course transfer.
  • The following materials should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before August 1:
  •      A college transcript issued by an accredited college or university and the catalog course description.
  •      Departments may, at their discretion, request additional course materials for review.
  • Should the course(s) be accepted for transfer, an advanced standing form will be completed detailing the course equivalent.
  • All materials should be sent to the Office of the Registrar.