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Please refer to the College's Policies and Procedures page for information on Campus Wide Policies.

  • To view policies on a desktop device, please select from the quick links on right menu. If you’re on a mobile device, click on the dropdown menu above.

  • If you're unable to find what a specific policy, use the search bar located in the “Menu” option in the main navigation.

Below is a list of campus policies and procedures related to campus technology, data and equipment.

  • Cell Phone and Mobile Device Usage PolicyLearn about the College’s policy governing the use of college-issued and personal mobile device usage on campus as well as security measures related to Muhlenberg College data.
  • Cloud Storage and Confidential MaterialsLearn about the College’s policy regarding cloud storage, specifically when it comes to the Google Drive for files that may be considered
  • Computer Policy for Faculty and Staff Learn about the guidelines and policies surrounding College-issued computing equipment for faculty and staff use.
  • Electronic Communication PolicyLearn more about the policy governing the electronic communication system at the College. This policy applies to all users of the system, whether they are students, faculty and staff or visitors of the College.
  • Email and Network Account PolicyLearn more about the policies affecting College-owned email and network accounts for those scenarios involving faculty, staff or students who leave Muhlenberg College.
  • Guidelines for Strong PasswordsLearn more about the College’s guidelines for establishing passwords that are difficult for people or machines to guess and how to use additional measures, like two-factor authentication, to provide more account security.
  • HEOA P2P ComplianceLearn more about the College’s compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, or HEOA, for efforts designed to reduce illegal uploading or downloading of copyrighted works through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing.
  • Information Technology Data and Security Privacy PolicyLearn more about the College’s policy to address how faculty, staff and students interact with information flowing through or stored on College-owned devices or hardware. This policy covers privacy expectations, situations involving imminent threats, device management and periodic review. It does not refer to users who handle confidential information.
  • OIT Support of Remote EmployeeLearn more about the guidelines that OIT has in place to support employees who work remotely with no office or regular physical space on campus.
  • Student Laptop Loaner ProgramLearn more about this student-only program that provides loaner laptops to students for academic use.
  • Student ResponsibilitiesLearn more about the ways in which Muhlenberg students are expected to follow rules pertaining to security and liability within the College network.
  • Web Privacy StatementLearn more about the College’s website privacy policy, including what kind of data is collected and how it can be used.