Muhlenberg College (the “College”) is committed to the health, safety and well-being of each member of the Muhlenberg community. As such, the College wishes to encourage students to shape the social life of the campus in ways that foster community, promote vibrant and diverse social options, and encourage responsibility and accountability. In addition, our aim is for this Policy to assist the College in creating a culture that supports students who do not use alcohol and students who choose to socialize with an alcoholic beverage in a safe, legal and responsible manner on and off campus. The regulations contained in this Policy apply to all students and student groups and are in effect throughout the calendar year. Students or student groups that violate this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action under the College’s Student Code of Conduct.

  1. Alcohol may only be consumed and alcohol containers may only be possessed on/in any properties leased or owned by the College by anyone who is over the legal drinking age of 21 years old.
  2. Furnishing Alcohol to persons under the age of 21 and/or who appear to be intoxicated is prohibited.
  3. The possession or use of any item that could lead to the excessive or rapid consumption of Alcohol such as drinking games or drinking-related devices (including but not limited to beer pong table, tap device, funnel, etc.) is prohibited.
  4. Public intoxication, including Alcohol-induced disorderly conduct, property destruction, intimidation, or other infringement upon the rights or privacy of others is prohibited.
  5. High-risk Alcohol consumption that results in concern for harm to self, community, or property (regardless of legal drinking age) is prohibited.
  6. In accordance with the laws of the City of Allentown, open containers of alcohol are prohibited in any public place.
  7. Individuals may not carry Alcohol in an open container on campus property except at registered College functions at which approval has expressly been granted for such behavior.
  8. The possession or use of Alcohol at College sports events, or in athletic facilities, is prohibited unless it is part of a sanctioned College-approved student event to occur outside of the specific venue in which the athletic competition is played.
  9. The purchase, storage, or use of a bulk quantity or a common source of Alcohol, such as kegs or party balls, is prohibited.
  10. The sale, purchase, possession, or use of an alcohol vaporizing device is prohibited. An alcohol vaporizing device is defined as any machine or process which mixes spirits, liquors or other alcohol products with oxygen or any other gas to produce a vaporized product for consumption by inhalation.
  11. All members of the Muhlenberg community are expected to abide by all federal, state and local laws governing Alcoholic possession, alcohol consumption and distribution.

1  Any liquid intended for human consumption containing more than 1/2 of 1% (0.05%) of alcohol by volume.

2 Any place to which the public has access and includes any public street or public sidewalk, as well as the front of and the area immediately adjacent to any parking lot, store, restaurant, tavern or other place of business, but shall not include those premises duly licensed for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises or within their own private property.

Summary of Pennsylvania State Law

All persons while in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are subject to the Pennsylvania Liquor Code (47 P.S. §1-101 et seq.) and Penal Code (18 Pa.C.S.A. §6307 – 6310.7).

  1. It is illegal for anyone who has not reached the age of 21 to possess, transport, or drink alcoholic beverages in Pennsylvania.
  2. The law prohibits the selling or furnishing of alcoholic beverages of any kind to persons under 21 years of age by any agency or any person. “Furnish” is defined as: “To supply, give or provide to, or allow a minor to possess on premises or property owned or controlled by the person charged” (Pennsylvania Crimes Code, 1986).
  3. Furnishing alcohol to persons who appear to be intoxicated is prohibited.
  4. It is unlawful to misrepresent one’s age to any person to obtain alcoholic beverages or to represent to any person that a minor is of age.
    1. It is illegal to possess, manufacture, or sell a false ID card whether or not the card is used to obtain alcoholic beverages.
    2. It is also illegal to attempt to obtain alcoholic beverages by using another person’s ID card.
  5. The law has been interpreted to mean that no person under 21 years of age may pay assessments that will be used in whole or part for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
    1. No one shall be permitted to sell alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverage tickets (including but not limited to wristbands, cups, T-shirts, bandannas, etc.), to raffle the sale of alcoholic beverages as prizes or to engage in any activity, including but not limited to, the sale of admission tickets which may reasonably be construed as a sale or indirect sale of such alcoholic beverages.
  6. It is against the law to charge admission to an event at which alcohol is being served (or to sell alcoholic beverages) without a liquor license.
  7. Religious uses of wine are exempt from age limitations when conducted as part of a service or ceremony in a private home or place of worship, provided that the amount of wine served does not exceed what is reasonably, customarily, and traditionally required as an integral part of the service or ceremony.
Last Revised: 08/23/2023