An Important Message from President Williams regarding Charlottesville
President Williams writes to the Muhlenberg communityMonday, August 14, 2017 07:40 PM
To the Muhlenberg Community:
The horrific events that occurred this weekend in Charlottesville and on the University of Virginia's campus are a powerful reminder of the presence of white supremacy and organized bigotry in our country. People across the world of every race, religion and political affiliation have denounced these ideologies, and I stand firmly with them. These appalling acts of violence and bigotry dehumanize people of color, Jews and all others against whom they were perpetrated.
Sadly, this weekend’s sickening events were not the only ones that have violated our deepest values as a nation in recent months. With grim frequency, we continue to witness other events that are harmful to members of our international community, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, among others. The outrage, sadness and fear that many in the Muhlenberg community feel about these events is real and understandable.
As a community, we will continue to reject all acts of hate, bias, racism and bigotry. We will be diligent and unwavering in our belief in and support for the inherent dignity and worth of all people. These ideals are, in fact, at the core of our enduring commitment to freedom of expression, freedom of speech and the relentless pursuit of knowledge, because each springs from respect for the worth of the individual.
As the new academic year approaches, I assure you that we are more deeply committed than ever to continuing our work to provide an academic and social environment at Muhlenberg College that promotes and celebrates diversity and inclusion and ensures a healthy and safe learning environment for all.
Whether you are a longstanding member of our community, returning to campus for another year or joining us for the first time, be assured we expect all members of our community to uphold together these responsibilities of mutual respect.
I have asked my senior staff to follow up this message with another providing detailed information regarding key resources available to support individuals in our community who are, at any time and for any reason, feeling unsafe, unsure or a sense of anxiety or personal distress.
Finally, I want to point you to the College's Hate and Bias policy for more detailed information, additional resources, and the link to report incidents of hate and bias in our community.
Our thoughts are with the people of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia and the victims of these most recent atrocities committed in the name of hatred and bigotry. We stand with all who work toward inclusion, equity and respect in our communities.
John I. Williams, Jr.
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