Community Message: April 12, 2021
A message from President Harring to the Muhlenberg CommunityMonday, April 12, 2021 01:22 PM
Dear Muhlenberg Community,
This week’s news of more racial hate and violence leaves me stunned with anger and grief. The on-going trial of Derek Chauvin, the officer charged with murder in George Floyd’s death, has shown in painful detail the inhumane treatment that Black Americans often experience in our country. Yesterday, another Black man, Daunte Wright, was shot by police outside Minneapolis. Last week, we saw a disturbing video of a Black army lieutenant, Caron Nazario, who was pepper-sprayed and held at gunpoint without just cause during a December traffic stop. And we continue to see alarming acts of hatred against Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. There are many other acts of racial, religious and LGBT+ hate and violence each day in our nation that go unacknowledged and unaddressed.
I ask that we all take time to reflect on the injustice, stress and trauma these incidents have for our Black, Brown and Asian community members along with other marginalized communities in our country. Let’s listen deeply, extend empathy and stand in solidarity with those who suffer from injustice, hate and violence.
I encourage anyone who is in need of support to reach out to the resources below. The Counseling Center is available for confidential support and conversation as is the College Chaplain. In addition, the Office of Multicultural Life, the Bias Resource & Education Team and the Associate Provost for Faculty and Diversity Initiatives are helpful community resources available to you. Employees may turn to the Employee Assistance Program as well. Finally, reports of bias incidents that could violate College policies may also be made to Equity & Title IX or online.
I expect the next few weeks to continue to be extremely tenuous and stressful as the Chauvin trial comes to a conclusion. In anticipation of this, we will offer space across campus for our community to come together for reflection and support. Information about these opportunities is forthcoming.
Even in the midst of this hate and harm, I encourage us all to look together for signs of hope and to join together in our resilience, in acts of progress and in a continued pursuit of justice for all.
Kathleen Harring
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