Community Message: October 28, 2018
President Williams writes to the Muhlenberg communitySunday, October 28, 2018 09:22 AM

We were all shaken to learn of the senseless shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh during a Shabbat service. This utterly deplorable act is the kind of hatred and ignorance that should find no shelter in our communities or our nation.
Muhlenberg takes pride in providing a safe, welcoming and supportive campus for our Jewish community. And I want all Jewish faculty, staff and students to know that we are here for you. Time and again, it seems we find ourselves at the doorstep of grief and anguish. At moments like this, we must rely on each other for strength, and I find solace in knowing we have a community that so strongly believes in caring for one another that together, we can find our way through these times.
Please know that Jewish Chaplain Rabbi Rachmiel Gurwitz and College Chaplain Pastor Kristen Glass Perez are available to meet with anyone in the Muhlenberg Community, whether you need help in coping with this latest act of bigotry and violence or just want a reaffirming sense of community. In addition, Muhlenberg College has a Bias Resource Education Team whom you can also reach out to for support. Members of the BRET team are available to meet individually with any faculty, staff or students to offer support. I would encourage you to seek whatever resources you need to care for yourself.
John I. Williams Jr.
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