Community Solidarity
A message from President Harring to the Muhlenberg communitySaturday, September 4, 2021 00:00 PM
To the Muhlenberg Community,
Last spring we witnessed a wave of anti-Asian rhetoric and violence from around the country that deeply affected our community. Last week, an incident of xenophobia and aggressive harassment occurred when an Asian student and staff member at Lehigh University were verbally assailed on their campus by a local man.
This incident has brought heightened anxiety for our Asian American, Asian and Pacific Islander community members. It reminds us that we must continue to support one another. Muhlenberg condemns all forms of racism and stands in solidarity with our Asian American, Asian and Pacific Islander community members. We support them with steadfast resolve.
We will work with our faculty, staff and student groups to provide space for programming and reflection and will share that information as soon as it is available. In the meantime, please know that Muhlenberg is here for you. The Counseling Center and College Chaplains are available for confidential support and conversation. The Office of Multicultural Life, the Bias Resource & Education Team and the Associate Provost for Faculty & Diversity Initiatives are helpful community resources you can access. Employees may turn to the Employee Assistance Program as well. Finally, reports of bias incidents that could violate College policies may also be made to Equity & Title IX or online. I encourage you to reach out if you need help.
If an emergency of this nature occurs, please call Campus Safety for emergency assistance immediately at 484-664-3110.
I want to affirm Muhlenberg’s fundamental values in support of diversity, equity and humanity. We reject all acts of bias and bigotry and continue in our steadfast belief in the inherent dignity and worth of all people. Please stay well and do not hesitate to turn to your Muhlenberg resources for support at this time.
Kathleen E. Harring
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