Community Values and Support: May 28, 2020
A message from President Harring to the Muhlenberg College communityThursday, May 28, 2020 06:40 PM
To the Muhlenberg Community:
The horrific death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers and the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia are powerful reminders of the inequities present in our society. I am saddened and speechless—my heart goes out to the family and friends of Mr. Floyd and Mr. Arbery.
I am also concerned for those in our community who have been deeply affected by these incidents. The outrage and sadness that many of us may feel are real. Normally we would ask that we care for one another—that we make sure those close to us are well. We would come together on campus in solidarity to support one another. Because we have been separated these past few months, I want to remind you that the Muhlenberg community and our resources are still available to help you.
Incidents like these can increase stress and anxiety to unhealthy levels. Please know that Muhlenberg is here for you. The Counseling Center, and College Chaplains are available for confidential support and conversation as well. In addition, the Office of Multicultural Life, the Bias Resource & Education Team and the Associate Provost for Faculty and Diversity Initiatives are helpful community resources you can access. Employees may turn to the Employee Assistance Program as well. Finally, reports of bias incidents that could violate College policies may also be made to Equity & Title IX, or online. I encourage you to reach out if you need help.
I want to affirm Muhlenberg’s fundamental values in support of diversity, equity and humanity. We reject all acts of bias and bigotry and will continue in our steadfast belief in the inherent dignity and worth of all people. Please stay well and do not hesitate to turn to your Muhlenberg resources for support at this time.
Kathleen E. Harring, Ph.D.
Interim President
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