Fall 2021 Plans
A Message from President Harring to the Muhlenberg CommunityWednesday, April 21, 2021 02:09 PM
To the Muhlenberg Community,
We are excited to announce a return to campus this fall to live, learn and engage in community with one another. We will welcome all of our students for a fully residential experience and return to a two-semester academic calendar.
Our priority continues to be the health and safety of students, faculty and staff. Based on our experience this spring and current vaccination rates, we are optimistic that our plans allow us to be agile in response to any changes that emerge due to the pandemic or state guidelines. Our college is characterized by a strong sense of community and connection. As we have done this past year, we will continue to work together to creatively address challenges and embrace opportunities.
Faculty will return to in-person teaching, bringing with them many of the digital practices and tools that enrich learning and engagement for all students. In addition to the residential experience, students will engage in in-person advising, undergraduate research and internships, as well as many in-person activities through clubs and organizations, performances, athletic events and community engagement opportunities that are a hallmark of the Muhlenberg experience.
New student orientation will begin on Thursday, August 26 with classes getting underway on August 30. While we anticipate that the campus experience will be more traditional in nature, we expect that there will still be COVID-related campus guidelines and protocols in place. So much of our success in navigating the Spring 2021 semester has been due to students, faculty and staff supporting the health and safety of the entire community. As we get closer to the start of the fall semester, we will share more complete information on what you can expect when you are on campus.
Muhlenberg’s mission is grounded in a strong residential learning experience in which students, staff and faculty engage together in community. The past year has taught us much about the ways we function as an institution. We have come to appreciate even more the personal interactions that give Muhlenberg its character. We have also seen the ways in which technology can enhance our work and provide flexibility in our daily lives.
As we prepare for the fall semester, we will welcome the full complement of our staff back to campus throughout the summer. Each administrative department will establish a plan that prepares us for the start of the academic year. I realize that many of you have questions and we will share more information as the fall planning group of faculty and staff completes their work and details are finalized.
Thank you for the care and compassion you have continued to show one another as we move through the remainder of the spring semester. I am excited to open our red doors to our newest community members and look forward to the opportunities that the fall semester holds.
Kathleen Harring
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