Institutional Planning

A Message from President Harring to the Muhlenberg Community

 Thursday, August 25, 2022 11:47 AM

Dear Colleagues,

As we welcome new and returning students back to campus for Muhlenberg’s 175th academic year, I want to update you on the strategic planning processes for 2022-2023 and other key initiatives occurring across the College. I am grateful to the faculty and staff who are serving on committees and task forces with the goal of advancing our institutional priorities – Student Experience, Enrollment and Retention, and Financial Health.

We are planning for the College’s future in the context of a highly disrupted and constantly evolving higher education landscape. The work we are pursuing now will prepare us to take thoughtful, data-driven, and bold action to ensure our long-term ability to provide an unparalleled academic experience to all qualified students, regardless of their ability to pay and to attract and retain the most talented student, faculty and staff to our college.

Doing so will require the input and creativity of our entire community. I will continue to provide updates on our progress as well as opportunities for you to provide feedback and to collaborate on new initiatives and ideas coming out of the planning process in the weeks and months to come.

Transforming student lives through Muhlenberg’s powerful liberal arts experience is our north star. Thank you for everything you do to support students’ success at Muhlenberg and beyond.

President Harring

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