Supporting the Muhlenberg Community

A message from President Harring to Muhlenberg College

 Tuesday, June 1, 2021 10:40 AM

Dear members of the Muhlenberg community,

In our country and in our communities, we have recently seen increased incidents of anti-Semitism and harassment and discrimination based on religion, race, ethnicity and country of origin. Each of these situations creates additional anxiety and fear for members of our community. These moments call us to continue to stand in solidarity against such hatred as we have done at many other times over the past year.

Muhlenberg’s mission states that the College “aims to develop independent critical thinkers who are intellectually agile, characterized by a zest for reasoned and civil debate, committed to understanding the diversity of the human experience, able to express ideas with clarity and grace, committed to lifelong learning, equipped with ethical and civic values and prepared for lives of leadership and service.”

The situation in the Middle East is incredibly complex and we expect and even encourage intense and robust discourse about the topic. Harassment, stereotyping, and intimidation, however, are antithetical to our mission and have no place in our community.

Muhlenberg is committed to supporting the safety and well-being of all of our students, staff and faculty. We stand against anti-Semitism and all forms of racism, discrimination and intolerance based on religion, race, ethnicity and country of national origin. Most importantly, our values compel us to create a campus culture in which fairness, equality, human diversity and justice are successfully integrated with the healthy clash of ideas and beliefs.

Students, I encourage you to review Dean Gulati’s recent message related to this which offers a list of resources and outlines community expectations. The following College offices are available for support. Please reach out to them as needed.


  • Chaplain
  • Counseling Center (484-664-3178)
  • Office of Dean of Students (484-664-3182)
  • Housing and Residence Life (484-664-3180)
  • Leffell Center for Jewish Life (484-664-3244)
  • Office of Multicultural Life (484-664-4006)

Please take care of yourself and those closest to you and remember—even though it is summer and most of you are away from campus—Muhlenberg is here to help support you and your well-being.


Kathleen Harring

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