Welcoming our 2022-2023 ACE Fellow

A Message from President Harring to the Muhlenberg Community

 Monday, September 19, 2022 08:01 AM

Dear Colleagues,

I’m excited to welcome Benjamin “BG” Grant to Muhlenberg as our resident American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow for the 2022-2023 academic year. BG is the vice president for student affairs at D'Youville University in Buffalo, New York.

BG is one of just 46 educators who were selected for the prestigious program this year, and we are delighted that he has chosen Muhlenberg as the host location for his ACE Fellowship experience.

BG has over 17 years of experience in higher education and has focused his career on engaging, supporting and challenging students and the implementation of “what if we…” ideas. BG joined D’Youville in 2018 as assistant dean for student engagement. He was promoted to chief student affairs officer in 2020 before assuming his current role in 2021. He previously served as associate dean of students at Manhattanville College from 2012-2018 and also held leadership roles at SUNY College at Buffalo.

The ACE Fellows program offers a select group of faculty and staff preparation for senior leadership positions in U.S. institutions of higher education through a distinctive, cohort-based mentorship program.

Over the next year, BG will spend a significant amount of time on campus, learning from Muhlenberg’s senior leaders and gaining valuable perspective on how our College operates. I am grateful that Muhlenberg can offer a powerful development opportunity to BG and am excited to see how he contributes to our conversations and work at Muhlenberg this year.

Please extend a warm welcome to BG as he begins his fellowship at Muhlenberg.

President Harring

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