Kathleen Harring, Ph.D.

Strategic planning; institutional advancement and development; recruitment and admission of students; recruitment, development and retention of qualified faculty; development and maintenance of academic programs, co-curricular programs and student life; community communications; maintenance of the physical plant; governmental, community and external relations; and alumni relations and programs

Phone: 484-664-3125
Email: president@muhlenberg.edu


Headshot of Kathy Harring 2024

Rebekkah L. Brown '99
Vice President for Advancement

Gifts and grants; alumni affairs; annual giving; planned giving; leadership giving; comprehensive campaigns; corporate, foundation and government relations; prospect research; gift processing; donor relations; advancement communications; career services; special projects

Phone: 484-664-3247 
Email: rebekkahbrown@muhlenberg.edu


Headshot of Rebekkah Brown 2024


‌Sonya Conrad '06
Chief of Staff and Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees

Oversees office administrative operations; assists president in strategic mission and goals for the College; support for Board of Trustees; coordinates administrative program assessment reviews; budgeting; event planning; communications and correspondence; special projects

Phone: 484-664-3126
Email: sonyaconrad@muhlenberg.edu

Headshot of Sonya Congrad 2024

José Dieudonné
Chief Information Officer 

Information technology, instructional technology, media services, desktop support, classroom support, networking, wireless, telecommunications, television, administrative systems, software development, web content and development

Phone: 484-664-3460
Email: josedieudonne@muhlenberg.edu

Headshot of Jose Dieudonne 2024

‌Curt Topper
Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer

Endowment policy and performance; financial planning; asset management; business affairs; payroll; receivables; purchasing; budget preparation and monitoring; property acquisition; risk management; general services, facilities, plant operations, human resources and capital projects

Phone: 484-664-3140
Email: curtistopper@muhlenberg.edu

Headshot of Curt Topper 2024

Laura Furge, Ph.D.

Faculty recruitment, appointment, retention, evaluation and development; development and assessment of College's curriculum; planning and implementation for academic affairs offices, programs and initiatives; academic advising and support; academic and institutional planning and assessment; Division of Graduate and Continuing Studies; Trexler Library; Institute for Religious & Cultural Understanding; contact with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education

Phone: 484-664-3130
Email: laurafurge@muhlenberg.edu

Headshot of Laura Furge 2024

Todd Lineburger
Vice President for Communications and Marketing

Chief communication and marketing officer; branding, creative and digital marketing strategy; media relations and crisis management

Phone: 484-664-4332
Email: toddlineburger@muhlenberg.edu

Headshot of Todd Lineberger 2024

Megan Ryan
Vice President for Enrollment Management

Enrollment analysis, research and projections; admissions and recruitment; student financial aid; school and campus visitation programs; counselor relations; American Talent Initiative

Phone: 484-664-3245
Email: meganryan@muhlenberg.edu

Headshot of Meg Ryan 2024 

Office Staff

Maria Ardire
Executive Administrative Assistant

President's calendar and scheduling; domestic and international travel; expense tracking and reconciliation

Phone: 484-664-3127
Email: mariaardire@muhlenberg.edu

Amanda Jenkins-Ford
Senior Administrative Assistant & Events Coordinator

Comprehensive administrative support for the office of the President

Phone: 484-664-3125
Email: amandajenkins-ford@muhlenberg.edu