Religious Professions Preparation
Pretheological Studies
Muhlenberg College is an excellent place to explore religious professions. Muhlenberg’s academic programs and cocurricular activities in campus ministries, community service and civic engagement and local religious resources prepare students well for pursuing religious professions.
Students of any major may explore religious careers and graduate studies. Many students choose to major or minor in religion studies, though majors in history, psychology, education or philosophy are also common.
Students considering the professions of pastor, priest, rabbi, church musician, cantor, pastoral counselor, religious studies professor or similar career paths are advised to explore graduate school and seminary options. You are also encouraged to consult with your tradition’s ordaining or certifying body for requirements specific to your tradition.
When seeking education beyond Muhlenberg, students’ choices include seminaries, divinity schools, university graduate programs or certificate programs. Seminaries are typically associated with specific denominations, such as the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, the Presbyterian Seminary at Princeton and Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. Others, such as Union Seminary in New York City, are interdenominational.
Divinity Schools are usually linked with major universities such as Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Yeshiva and Emory. Students interested in divinity schools are especially encouraged to consult with their faith tradition’s ordaining or certifying bodies, as requirements vary.
Muhlenberg College has a shared admission process with the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, which offers guaranteed admission to LTSP after Muhlenberg, provided that certain benchmarks are met during a student’s time at Muhlenberg. For more information about this agreement, contact the College Chaplain Rev. Janelle Neubauer.
If you are interested in exploring a religious profession, please consult your academic advisor as well as the College Chaplain for further information and resources:
Rev. Janelle Neubauer