SGA Committee Representation

The work of student government is done largely in committee. In addition to five internal standing committees, the SGA is responsible for placing students on several institutional and faculty committees to represent the student viewpoint.

If you have an interest in serving on an institutional or faculty committee or are a faculty member or administrator seeking student representation, please contact

Browse the information below to learn more about our committees.



Student Clubs and Organizations can request funds for their activities through the Finance Committee. The committee is also responsible for monitoring all financial transactions related to the expenditure of student fees provided to it for distribution by the College. The Finance Committee shall recommend budgets and special funding for clubs and organizations, develop rules and policies for the distribution of funds, and investigate opportunities to fund special projects.


Campus Engagement

The Campus Engagament Committee shall be responsible for reaching out to the Student Body and other campus groups to gain:

  1. To notify the SGA of any possible changes, policies, programs, events, etc., that would impact student life

  2. Information regarding their current student services (if they are a campus or administrative group)

  3. The Campus Engagement Committee is also responsible for the implementation of Student Government social media presence.

  4. Disseminating this information to the student body and gaining insight from the student body in the form of:
    i. surveys
    ii. social media updates
    iii. emails
    iv. any other form of communication that the Student Engagement Committee sees fit.

  5. Planning events that will engage the Student Body in Student Government Activity. This can include but is not limited to:

    i. dorm storming
    ii. town hall meetings
    iii. meet and greets
    iv. campus programming



The Student Government Standards Committeeis tasked with upholding the standards of the Student Government Association. This includes but not limited to: dress code, decorum, internal operations such as attendance, point system, and disciplinary proceedings as outlined by the Bylaws and the Standing Rules. 

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEI-B) committee advocates for the needs of marginalized identities in the Muhlenberg community and beyond through frequent collaboration with students, student groups, departments, offices, faculty, staff, and administration. As it creates guidelines, education opportunities, outreach, and collaborative structural change for all community members, the DEI-B committee prioritizes listening to voices that are usually not represented in college decision-making while holding college spaces accountable for DEI-B advances. The DEI-B committee is also tasked with responding to problematic incidents on campus with action items and structural plans to prevent reoccurring issues from happening and to inspire change beyond one incident.  We draft plans based on student input through marginalized identity advisor positions and SGA representatives, widespread surveys, regular conversation, and consistent research on DEI-B issues.


Internally, the DEI-B committee is in charge of leading DEI-B education to integrate responsiveness and advocacy more actively into SGA culture. DEI-B collaborates with the general assembly, the three committees, (Finance, Campus Engagement, and Standards) and institutional committee heads on education and creating programming, ensuring that SGA’s internal process is representative of marginalized identity groups (through a bifaceted process of increasing representation within SGA while enhancing outreach beyond SGA). Specifically, within the committees, DEI does the following:


  • Finance Committee – collaborates in providing financial support and mentorship to marginalized students and student groups while encouraging DEI-B guidelines and support for all clubs and organizations. 


  • Campus Engagement – collaborate in planning and organizing events and activities and communication (email and social media) regarding DEI-B specific resources available to students. 


  • Standards – collaborate in implementing new internal policies to SGA such as meeting structure, requirements, education, and other guidelines specific to promoting DEI causes. 


  • Institutional Committees- engages in monthly meetings that include research, discussion, and establishing a tangible framework for institutional committee heads to be DEI-B advocates


  • General Assembly- engage in weekly DEI sharing among members, bring DEI-B initiatives to general assembly for input and further collaboration between committee members


Ultimately and most importantly, DEI-B is a wide-reaching committee that is here to listen and work toward positive change that prioritizes the needs of marginalized identities in any facet of the college that needs further attention.

Nominations & Elections Committee

The Nominations & Elections Committee is responsible for organizing and conducting the annual SGA elections.


Academic Policy Committee

Membership consists of nine voting members: seven elected by the faculty, at least one from each division, and two students selected by the Student Government Association. The committee makes recommendations to the faculty about all academic requirements and exercises primary responsibility for long-range planning in academic areas. [Faculty Handbook, Sec., April 2014]

Curriculum Committee

Membership consists of nine voting members: seven elected by the faculty, at least one from each division, and two students selected by the Student Government Association. The committee exercises jurisdiction over the curriculum, including the review of the entire curriculum, as well as the addition or elimination of courses. [Faculty Handbook, Sec., April 2014]

Faculty Senate Observers

Four students elected by the Student Government Association from among those students serving on the following standing committees of the faculty: Academic Policy Committee, Curriculum Committee, Library Committee, Teacher Education Committee may attend Faculty Senate meetings. These students have a voice but no vote. [Faculty Handbook, Sec. 2.5.2.a, April 2014]

Writing Program Committee

Membership consists of six elected faculty members, two from each division, plus the Director(s) of the Writing Program and Writing Center, and the Assistant Director of the Writing Center. In order to be elected to the committee, each faculty member must have taught at least one writing-intensive (W) course in the previous two years. In addition, there will be one student member, to be selected by the Student Government Association, who has been trained as a tutor and served at least once as Writing Assistant to a First-Year Seminar. The committee reviews and approves new First-Year Seminar and Writing course proposals and special requests for W and FYS credit. [Faculty Handbook, Sec., April 2014]


Board of Associates

College Liaison Representatives include one student selected by the Student Government Association, the Vice President of Public Relations, the Dean of Students, the Director of Corporate, Foundation, and Government Relations, and the Director of Disability Services. The board is an organization of business, professional and civic leaders committed to fostering community understanding and support of Muhlenberg College. [see: Board of Associates]

College Committee on Campus Life

Membership consists of nine voting members: two students chosen by the Student Government Association, who may also be members of the Campus Life Committee of the Board of Trustees; three faculty members elected by the faculty for three-year terms; one staff associate appointed by the Vice President of Human Resources; the Dean of Students, the Provost, and the College Chaplain, all ex officio, or their respective designees.

The committee identifies campus life issues for research and analysis, to facilitate such research and analysis, and to make resulting policy recommendations to appropriate decision makers. [Faculty Handbook, Sec., April 2014]

College Committee on Fitness and Athletics

Membership of the committee consists of twelve voting members: three members elected by the faculty, all of whom are to be members of departments other than the Physical Education Department, a member of the Admissions staff appointed by the Dean of Admissions, the Chair of the Department of Physical Education, the Director of Athletics, ex officio; two male and two female student representatives selected by the Student Government Association; and a member of the Board of Trustees appointed by the President. The committee acts in an advisory capacity on behalf of the College to the appropriate authorities and/or bodies regarding the policies and conduct of the athletic affairs of the College.[Faculty Handbook, Sec., April 2014]

College Committee on Information Technologies

Membership consists of thirteen voting members:  one student employee of OIT; one student selected by The Student Government Association; three faculty members, one from each division, elected by the faculty for three-year terms; one staff associate elected by the staff associates; one systems librarian elected by the library staff; and ex officio members, the Chief Business Officer, the Director of Information Technology, the Provost, the Vice President for Public Relations, the Registrar, and the Director of Trexler Library. The committee develops policies for the use of information technology and advises the President and administration about the deployment of information technology resources. [Faculty Handbook, Sec., April 2014]

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Membership consists of five standing members: three representatives from the College (two faculty members and one representative who may be a faculty or staff member), one student member, and one community member. Each college member is elected by the faculty for a three-year term and may be re-elected for an additional term. The student member is appointed by the President of the Student Body. The board reviews proposals for research and experimental activities in which human beings participate as subjects. [Faculty Handbook, Sec., April 2014]

Lectures and Forum Committee

The Lectures and Forum Committee consists of seven voting members: three faculty members elected for three-year terms, two students selected by the Student Government Association, the Dean of the College for Academic Life, and the Vice President for Public Relations. The committee reviews proposals and disburses funds for  Lectures and Fora that will distinguish the College regionally or nationally. [Faculty Handbook, Sec., April 2014]

President's Diversity Advisory Council

The President's Diversity Advisory Council (PDAC) has three student representatives.  One student is selected by the Student Government Association.



Campus Life Committee

In the fall of 1971, the Board of Trustees acknowledged student concerns by granting two students the privilege of attending Board meetings and by charging them with the responsibility of representing student opinion in matters coming before it. The Campus Life Committee is a standing committee established by resolution of the Board which assists the Board by connecting with, evaluating and supporting College initiatives that shape student lives and provide a healthy, diverse, productive working environment for all faculty and staff. [Muhlenberg College Working Resolutions, Article 6.2.1, Revision April 28, 2012]